did not see this coming!!

unban joshchap

mune kei
unban joshchap

discord moderators not allowed in ozfortress

SPEC ShaDowBurn's Moments #275-30 : yeah just talk shit and lose to alan in mge i guess dogshit players like you only get beaam and get 40% acc or smth idk maybe i
[MGEMod] Your opponent had 125 health remaining.
SPEC ShaDowBurn's Moments #275-30 : its got to do with ur loss of brain cells to fucking think like a normal human being you lobotomite
SPEC ShaDowBurn's Moments #275-30 : i guess spamming crate in mge was really worht it all those times ive vsed randoms :
ShaDowBurn's Moments #275-30 left the game (Disconnect by user.)