multi Sixes Head Admin

When submitting your vote, you must use this template:

Discord ID (eg. core#6440):
Division played in Sixes Spring '23 (eg. High):

Map vote (in order from best to worst):
1. Map
2. Map
3. Map
4. Map
5. Map
6. Map
7. Map
8. Map
9. Map

You can view an example submission here.

You must vote for at least nine maps, however you can vote for as many maps from the pool as you would like.

Map pool (more details here including images):

5CP: Coilblaze, Entropy, Granary, Gullywash, Logjam, Mannbase, Metalworks, Process, Prolands, Reckoner, Snakewater, Sultry, Sunshine, Villa
KOTH: Bagel, Clearcut, Product, Valor

If you have any questions, check out the FAQ post.

Submit your vote here. Your vote will only be visible to ozfortress administrators.